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Notice on the Application for the Local Cooperation Projects of the China Scholarship Council in 2022
Release time:2022-06-26 15:25:21stamp
 All units and schools,
In accordance with the Measures for the Selection and Dispatch for Special Projects/Local Cooperation Projects for Talent Cultivation in Western China in 2022 (hereinafter referred to as “the projects”) issued by the China Scholarship Council and the relevant work requirements of Hebei Provincial Department of Education, and in combination with the discipline and specialty construction and talent training needs of our University, it is hereby notified as follows regarding the selection and dispatch in our University:
I. Dispatch plan
1. The dispatch scale in 2022 will be announced separately.
2. The provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government participating in the special projects of talent cultivation in the western region include: Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Tibet Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, Sichuan Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Shaanxi Province, Chongqing Municipality, Guizhou Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Yunnan Province and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; the provinces participating in the local cooperation projects include Hebei Province, Hunan Province, Henan Province, Hainan Province, Liaoning Province, Jilin Province, Heilongjiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Hubei Province, Jiangxi Province, Guangdong Province and Shanxi Province.
3. Overseas study period
Senior research scholars: 3-6 months.
Visiting scholars: 3-12 months.
Post-doctoral researcher: 6-24 months.
4. Emphasis will be attached to supporting overseas students to go to well-known universities, scientific research institutions, laboratories and other institutions in countries with developed education and science and technology. The personnel pursuing overseas study shall be dispatched by the selection unit or through contacting overseas study unit by use of personal channels.
5. China Scholarship Council shall provide one-time round-trip international travel expenses and scholarships within the funding period for personnel pursing overseas study. The national scholarship for government-funded personnel pursuing overseas study refers to the funds used to subsidize the study and life abroad of government-funded personnel pursuing overseas study, including: meal fee, accommodation fee, registration fee, bench fee, transportation fee, telephone fee, books and materials fee, medical insurance fee, interpersonal communication fee, one-time resettlement fee, visa extension fee, pocket fee, handling fee and academic activity subsidy, etc. The specific funding methods and rates shall be subject to the admission documents.
II. Application conditions
1. The applicant shall support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, love the motherland, have good professional ethics, political quality and professional quality, and have no record of violating laws and disciplines.
2. The applicant shall comply with the Measures of Shijiazhuang University for the Administration of Teachers Pursuing Government-funded Overseas (Cross-border) Study Visits and Further Education (Trial) (Shi Yuan Zheng [2020] No. 14) and the Measures for the Selection and Dispatch for Special Projects/Local Cooperation Projects for Talent Cultivation in Western China in 2022 issued by the China Scholarship Council ( and other relevant policies of the University and the State, as well as the prescribed application conditions.
3. The applicant shall be a regular staff member of our University. When filing the application, the applicant shall submit a formal invitation letter from the unit he proposes to pursue overseas study. The invitation letter shall meet the requirements listed in the Instructions on Preparing Overseas Study Application Materials for Special Projects and Local Cooperation Projects for Talent Cultivation in Western China (
III. Application process
1. Campus application: Teachers who apply for the project shall file the applications to their units. Each unit shall review the applicant’s conditions, put forward recommendations according to the discipline and professional team building plan and actual needs, and submit them to the International Exchange and Cooperation Center. The International Exchange and Cooperation Center, together with the Academic Affairs Office, the Personnel Department and other relevant departments, shall review and submit the applications to the competent leaders of the University for approval, and the Party Committee of the University shall deliberate and make a decision.
2. Online application: After being reviewed and approved by the University, the recommended person shall log onto the National Government-funded Overseas Study Management Information Platform ( for online application before May 10, 2022, prepare application materials according to the relevant project requirements of China Scholarship Council, and submit the materials (in triplicate) to the International Exchange and Cooperation Center.
IV. Application deadline
1. All units shall submit the list of recommended personnel and materials to the International Exchange and Cooperation Center (Room 608, Administration Building) before 12:00 noon on May 3, 2022.
2. The recommended person shall log onto the National Government-funded Overseas Study Management Information Platform ( for online registration before May 10, 2022.
3. The recommended person shall submit the paper-based application materials to the International Exchange and Cooperation Center (Room 608, Administration Building) before May 10, 2022.
For relevant policies and frequently asked questions (FAQs), please refer to the Column of Special Projects/Local Cooperation Projects for Talent Cultivation in Western China in 2022 on the website of the China Scholarship Council (
For matters not covered, please visit the National Overseas Study Web (
Contact person: Ms. Wu Tel: 13613314349
Annex 1: Notice on the Application for the Local Cooperation Projects in 2022
Annex 2: Annex: Foreign Language Qualification for Special Projects and Local Cooperation Projects for Talent Cultivation in Western China in 2022
Annex 3: Application Form for Teachers of Shijiazhuang University for Government-funded Overseas (Cross-border) Study Visits and Further Education
Annex 4: Notice on the Measures of Shijiazhuang University for the Administration of Teachers Pursuing Government-funded Overseas (Cross-border) Study Visits and Further Education (Trial)
current location:home page  > Notices and Announcements about International Exchange
Notice on the Application for the Local Cooperation Projects of the China Scholarship Council in 2022
Release time:2022-06-26 15:25:21stamp
 All units and schools,
In accordance with the Measures for the Selection and Dispatch for Special Projects/Local Cooperation Projects for Talent Cultivation in Western China in 2022 (hereinafter referred to as “the projects”) issued by the China Scholarship Council and the relevant work requirements of Hebei Provincial Department of Education, and in combination with the discipline and specialty construction and talent training needs of our University, it is hereby notified as follows regarding the selection and dispatch in our University:
I. Dispatch plan
1. The dispatch scale in 2022 will be announced separately.
2. The provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government participating in the special projects of talent cultivation in the western region include: Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Tibet Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, Sichuan Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Shaanxi Province, Chongqing Municipality, Guizhou Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Yunnan Province and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; the provinces participating in the local cooperation projects include Hebei Province, Hunan Province, Henan Province, Hainan Province, Liaoning Province, Jilin Province, Heilongjiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Hubei Province, Jiangxi Province, Guangdong Province and Shanxi Province.
3. Overseas study period
Senior research scholars: 3-6 months.
Visiting scholars: 3-12 months.
Post-doctoral researcher: 6-24 months.
4. Emphasis will be attached to supporting overseas students to go to well-known universities, scientific research institutions, laboratories and other institutions in countries with developed education and science and technology. The personnel pursuing overseas study shall be dispatched by the selection unit or through contacting overseas study unit by use of personal channels.
5. China Scholarship Council shall provide one-time round-trip international travel expenses and scholarships within the funding period for personnel pursing overseas study. The national scholarship for government-funded personnel pursuing overseas study refers to the funds used to subsidize the study and life abroad of government-funded personnel pursuing overseas study, including: meal fee, accommodation fee, registration fee, bench fee, transportation fee, telephone fee, books and materials fee, medical insurance fee, interpersonal communication fee, one-time resettlement fee, visa extension fee, pocket fee, handling fee and academic activity subsidy, etc. The specific funding methods and rates shall be subject to the admission documents.
II. Application conditions
1. The applicant shall support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, love the motherland, have good professional ethics, political quality and professional quality, and have no record of violating laws and disciplines.
2. The applicant shall comply with the Measures of Shijiazhuang University for the Administration of Teachers Pursuing Government-funded Overseas (Cross-border) Study Visits and Further Education (Trial) (Shi Yuan Zheng [2020] No. 14) and the Measures for the Selection and Dispatch for Special Projects/Local Cooperation Projects for Talent Cultivation in Western China in 2022 issued by the China Scholarship Council ( and other relevant policies of the University and the State, as well as the prescribed application conditions.
3. The applicant shall be a regular staff member of our University. When filing the application, the applicant shall submit a formal invitation letter from the unit he proposes to pursue overseas study. The invitation letter shall meet the requirements listed in the Instructions on Preparing Overseas Study Application Materials for Special Projects and Local Cooperation Projects for Talent Cultivation in Western China (
III. Application process
1. Campus application: Teachers who apply for the project shall file the applications to their units. Each unit shall review the applicant’s conditions, put forward recommendations according to the discipline and professional team building plan and actual needs, and submit them to the International Exchange and Cooperation Center. The International Exchange and Cooperation Center, together with the Academic Affairs Office, the Personnel Department and other relevant departments, shall review and submit the applications to the competent leaders of the University for approval, and the Party Committee of the University shall deliberate and make a decision.
2. Online application: After being reviewed and approved by the University, the recommended person shall log onto the National Government-funded Overseas Study Management Information Platform ( for online application before May 10, 2022, prepare application materials according to the relevant project requirements of China Scholarship Council, and submit the materials (in triplicate) to the International Exchange and Cooperation Center.
IV. Application deadline
1. All units shall submit the list of recommended personnel and materials to the International Exchange and Cooperation Center (Room 608, Administration Building) before 12:00 noon on May 3, 2022.
2. The recommended person shall log onto the National Government-funded Overseas Study Management Information Platform ( for online registration before May 10, 2022.
3. The recommended person shall submit the paper-based application materials to the International Exchange and Cooperation Center (Room 608, Administration Building) before May 10, 2022.
For relevant policies and frequently asked questions (FAQs), please refer to the Column of Special Projects/Local Cooperation Projects for Talent Cultivation in Western China in 2022 on the website of the China Scholarship Council (
For matters not covered, please visit the National Overseas Study Web (
Contact person: Ms. Wu Tel: 13613314349
Annex 1: Notice on the Application for the Local Cooperation Projects in 2022
Annex 2: Annex: Foreign Language Qualification for Special Projects and Local Cooperation Projects for Talent Cultivation in Western China in 2022
Annex 3: Application Form for Teachers of Shijiazhuang University for Government-funded Overseas (Cross-border) Study Visits and Further Education
Annex 4: Notice on the Measures of Shijiazhuang University for the Administration of Teachers Pursuing Government-funded Overseas (Cross-border) Study Visits and Further Education (Trial)
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